Friday, October 2, 2009

Misty and Sam

The day started out much like all the other days we’d been having…..rain, rain, and guess what?..more rain!  The weather man said it should be clearing off for the afternoon with a slight chance of showers.  So my spirits were lifted a little.  It seemed like we were having “monsoon season” in our “neck of the woods” .  When would it ever be dry again and when would we ever see the sunshine?!? 

I’ll tell ya, Misty and Sam are real troopers for taking a chance on their engagement session.  But that’s just the kind of people they are.  I had the best time with them.  They are so much in love.  Everywhere we went they were just talking to each other with such ease…ya know the kind of ease two people have when they are really ready to spend the rest of their days with one another.  I love to be around couples like that.  Of course, it didn’t hurt that they are both good looking and very photogenic.  Two school teachers that fell in love…..and one of them is a football coach.  I’ll let you figure out which one.  By the way, Misty doesn’t think she takes good pictures!  Well, I have to differ with you, Misty.  You are beautiful on the inside and out.  Really. 

 003 007 015 018 020 029 031 035 036 038041Ok, here in the south, we have two very intense rivals…..Mississippi State Bulldogs and Ole Miss Rebels.  It just so happens that Misty is a die hard Ole Miss fan and Sam is a devout Mississippi State fan.  There’s just no shak’n the faith!   What’s a gay and gal to do in a situation like this?  They should fall  madly in love, of course.

         050We can agree to disagree…right?…..right!052060   Don’t ya just love this seventies look.067 Seventies 070 Midnight  058074 SFH076 Seventies

I can’t wait till their wedding in November.  It’s gonna be fabulous!