Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ashley Anderson: {Senior}

Hey Gang!  Where have I been, you ask?  Busy, busy, busy!  With everything from taking photos to editing photos to taking care of a sick mother-in-law to being a band parent to trying to keep a house to……well, you get the picture, right?  I hope everyone is having a blessed and beautiful fall.  It’s been so rainy here, but we’re surviving.  It’s finally starting to dry up a little.

This is Ashley.  She is a senior at Houston High School.  We had a great time at her senior session.  It’s so much fun just to drive around looking for new places to shoot.  You just never know what you’re gonna find.

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At this particular time, I am uploading to two different places at the same time….how cool is that?  The wonders of technology.  I’ll post more photos very soon!