Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hey everyone out there in internet land! I know, where have I been? Taking photos, that's where... I am continually amazed at what a great job I have! I thank the Lord for allowing me to do something that I love. Life has really been a blur for the past several weeks at the Sharp house. We had a family gathering at my house during Spring Break...it was wonderful to catch up on life and love and happiness and the pursuit of justice, ect. (Just kidding about the "pursuit of justice" thing! Just a little humor people, please....lighten up!) It's so much fun to see how people change over the course of maybe a year or so. Especially the little ones. This is Lana...she is the cutest thing!


During and after Spring Break I was working alot! The weather, being the way it is here in the south, is always a factor. So, when Spring Breat came around, I had plenty to do. I'll be posting Senior Pics very soon, maybe today! Have a great day and remember: God loves YOU!